World Federation of Power Leaders WFPL



WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS(WFPL) originates from the International Youth Institute (formerly the International Youth Research Institute, PRESIDENT LEE SAN-HA) established on January 11, 2007, and through the 17 metropolitan and provincial branches and the regional federations in Korea and regional federations from around the world with WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), and in cooperation with enthusiastic, talented young men and women, actively participates in solving the crisis arising from the structural conflicts in the society. It aims to orient toward the living-together world where the socially weak are not neglected and the culture of participation and communication is widely spread.









Today, the world faces a challenge to solve conflicts of interests among nations and various issues relating to politics, religion, human rights, environment, economics, science, education, health, ideology, etc. in the age of infinite competition.


The world's social problems include people with disabilities and seniors who are socially disadvantaged, education of growing dream trees, school violence and other youth issues that trample young students' dreams and hopes, and employment that is competitive due to unproductive and uneconomic factors, and the way to tackle uncertain, unpredictable future. Many countries around the world are at a critical crossroads where their ability to solve these problems  is doubted, before coming up with solutions to them.


In particular, each country of the world is unable to respond appropriately to school violence evolving into an increasingly cruel and anti-inhumane form. As a result, tens of millions of students around the world suffer from school violence every year, many of whom give up their precious lives to escape the pain of school violence.


As a result, each country has a task to cope with the problems in solidarity with one another, including deeply recognizing various social phenomena facing the world and coming up with the solution.


'WIC AWARDS(World Innovative Contribution Awards)' is dedicated to finding people who contribute to world peace and human development by inspiring achievements in all areas of the world and establishing desirable representations of the world. WIC AWARDS is designed to contribute to solving the challenges of the world as well as building a just and healthy world by spreading them throughout the world. In addition, it aims to comfort those who are devoted to solving the problem of school violence occurring in countries around the world, and to give dreams, hopes, and courage to youths around the world who are wandering through school violence.
















WORLD FEDERATION OF POWER LEADERS, LEE SAN-HA, CEO OF WFPL / HANSIN B/D 1105, 12 MAPO-DAERO,MAPOGU, SEOUL, KOREA / WORLD PRESS ASSOCIATION(WPA), LEE CHEESOO, CHAIRMAN  / TEL: 02-718-2118 (Main),  02-702-2118, 02-717-2118, 02-717-1118,  FAX: 02- 6442-6118, 서울시 마포구 마포대로 12길, 한신빌딩 1105(공덕동) / 청소년보호책임자: 이황주 e-mail: webmaster@wfple.orgFOR MORE INFORMATION. / © Copyright WFPL All Right Reserved